Occupations in Ohio
Learn more about the occupations of Ohioans and see how our hardworking and talented workforce can fill the roles for your business.
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Ohio has the nation's #3 largest manufacturing workforce with 683,954 jobs.
The number of individuals employed by the advanced manufacturing industry in Ohio.
Ohio has the nation's second-largest workforce in motor vehicle manufacturing (OEM assembly) and motor vehicle parts manufacturing (auto parts suppliers). Totaling 86,975 jobs in 2022.
The data in the above charts are provided by GIS Planning, an independent third party. GIS Planning's location-based reports are purchased and utilized by JobsOhio and many other states, through the ZoomProspector platform. The sources of that data and their methodology for compiling the data can be found at the following link United States and Canada Data Sources and Update Frequency – GIS Planning. The data are very high level and should not be the exclusive source for location data comparisons. Please contact JobsOhio with questions or requests for more specific information.