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Reports & Publications

Annual Report 2019

Published: Thu Feb 24 2022

Message from our leadership

JobsOhio 2019 Results

In 2019, JobsOhio saw its second-best year in terms of project volume and new payroll commitments, and its third-best year in terms of capital investment. After a record year in 2018, JobsOhio worked hard with new leadership to rebuild its pipeline of potential investment and drive results.


Total Projects


New Jobs


New jobs payroll


Capital investment

Over the last decade...

A $78 billion energy industry
A multibillion-dollar data center industry
Nearly 400 international projects since 2013
The national advanced manufacturing concentration
Unemployment rate as of December 2019
Labor force is 5.84 million strong
Private employment at record high 4.83 million
Venture capital investments in 2019 alone
We are a service organization. We are here because we love Ohio, we love the mission of JobsOhio and we believe that our job is to introduce the world to the Ohio we know: the best place to live, work, invest in a business or bring your career, to live your version of the American Dream.
J.P. Nauseef -
President & CIO / JobsOhio
  1. Financials