News & Press
Cenovus Chooses Dublin for New U.S. Regional Headquarters
Oil and Gas Producer to invest $1.5 Billion, which will include modernizing Northwest Ohio Facilities
Company Name: Husky Marketing and Supply Company
Location: Dublin
Site Region: Central
Country of Origin:
- Country: Canada
- Region: North America
Industry Sector: Shale Energy and Petrochemicals
Company Profile: Husky Marketing and Supply Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cenovus Energy, is an integrated energy company with oil and natural gas production operations in Canada and the Asia Pacific region and upgrading, refining, and marketing operations in Canada and the United States. Its Dublin office oversees the sales, marketing, and logistics activities for production at the Lima and Oregon Cenovus refineries.
Company Website:
Project Summary:
Type of Project: Expansion
- Jobs committed: 115
- Jobs retained: 942
Capital Investment: $1,441,000,000
Company Need:
The company was seeking a new U.S. regional headquarters new headquarters will oversee the sales, marketing, trading, and logistics activities for U.S. operations. In addition, Cenovus wanted to further invest in its existing refineries in Northwest Ohio.
Why Ohio?
Cenovus cited Ohio’s vital strategic location, skilled workforce, and strong business environment as reasons for choosing to establish its new headquarters in Dublin.
Low-cost feedstock, unrivaled proximity to markets, and over $100 billion in investment places Ohio among America’s energy leaders. Ohio’s shale formations contain large amounts of natural gas, natural gas liquids, and crude oils, accounting for 85 percent of U.S. shale gas production growth since 2011.
Combined with a deregulated energy market and the state’s proximity to end markets, these plentiful feedstocks make Ohio the best option for midstream and downstream investment.
JobsOhio, Ohio Department of Development, One Columbus, Regional Growth Partnership