Annual Report Submission – Site Redevelopment Program
Use this page to submit Annual Reports for Site Development Programs.
To access Annual Report resources for Grant, Loan, and Talent Programs, click HERE.
Annual Report Due March 1st
As part of your executed Agreement with JobsOhio, your organization is required to file an Annual Report informing JobsOhio of progress toward your Metric Commitments. If JobsOhio does not receive your Annual Report by March 1, your company will be non-compliant with your Agreement, regardless of the day of the week on which March 1 falls.
Per the Terms of the Agreement, failure to submit your Annual Report by the deadline could result in JobsOhio 1) revoking eligibility for Funds or Services awarded, 2) seeking repayment for Funds or Services already disbursed or completed, or 3) increasing Interest Rates on Loans. The resources below can help you compile the information needed for your Annual Report. Once you have the information, it should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
Please contact if you need assistance.
More Details
Already Have An Account?
If you have previously completed a Grant Survey or Annual Report for a JobsOhio Project, click above to submit online. Please note the account is tied directly to the person receiving the communication. If you login and do not see the Annual Report, it is assigned to the contact receiving the email communication from If you encounter issues resetting your password, please reply to the annual report email that was sent to your inbox and indicate your need for assistance.
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Questions
JobsOhio is committed to DEI to ensure we are engaging and supporting underrepresented groups throughout Ohio. JobsOhio endorses fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement of all Ohioans. JobsOhio would like to provide you with an opportunity to share your organization’s efforts to promote DEI within your company and culture. To that end, JobsOhio has incorporated questions in the Annual Report on DEI. Answering these questions is optional and is not required by your agreement with JobsOhio. Your responses will be used for internal JobsOhio purposes only and will not be reported publicly in any way that connects the responses to your company.
Job Creation Tax Credit?
If your company was awarded a Job Creation Tax Credit from the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) (formerly the Ohio Development Services Agency) in addition to the JobsOhio incentive, you will have to file two Annual Reports, one with JobsOhio and one with ODOD. Please note the information reported on both Annual Reports should be identical.
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Email for help.